We've been notified that several scam messages have been sent from someone pretending to be a staff member at Immanuel.
Please be advised that no staff member will ever contact you asking for gift cards, money, etc.
If you are ever unsure, please feel free to contact the church office. 


God's Presence


 God's People


the World with the Love of Jesus Christ

ministry highlighT

immanuel trunk-or-Treat! 
Oct. 31, 2024
5-7 p.m.    

Join us for our annual Immanuel Family and community event!  
Click the link to reserve a parking spot so you can pass out candy.  
We also appreciate candy donations!!  

This year we will have some fun food options available:  Ice cream, kettlecorn, and tacos to purchase!  

The School Theme this year is "Endure"  based on Hebrews 12:1-3  
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God"
Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV)


Like any communication skill, prayer needs to be practiced and taught at a level where a person is at. Designed with our Preschool and Elementary School Families in mind, these simple yet fun guides are designed to give parents the tools they need to encourage discussion between members of the family and God in healthy conversation. Each short guide includes common prayers, categories of prayer, and a section for age-appropriate ideas on how to pray.

Worship with us

Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM either in-person or online.

Upcoming events

Some things you won't want to miss!  

preschool and elementary School

Our Preschool provides education and care for toddlers up to PreK children.  We offer many scheduling options and we will work with you to find just the right one for your child.  
Our Elementary school provides K-6 children with the Christ-centered education that will help them grow into productive adults.  

About Us

Serving Riverside since 1908

Immanuel Lutheran Church and School is a vibrant community of believers.  We believe God has a purpose for us, and by His grace, we are making a difference in the lives of our members and our community.  
Interested in joining us on this adventure?  Contact Us and we'll take care of the rest!

Our Ministry Team

Senior Pastor Steven Borst has been at Immanuel since 2008.  He and his wife, Kim, have 5 sons and enjoy traveling -- especially to  the beach.  He's an avid reader, enjoys sports, and really loves serving God's people.

Discipleship Pastor Robert Jones came to Immanuel in 2019.  He and his wife, Alison, have one daughter and one son, and enjoy having family adventures. He enjoys drawing and crafting new ways to share the Gospel with others.

Special Ministries Pastor John McCombs has been serving Immanuel in various capacities, but decided he wanted to serve the Lord as pastor as he nears retirement. Upon completion of the SMP program from Concordia Seminary St. Louis, John was ordained and installed in 2024. As a long time resident of Riverside, John enjoys the many beautiful and unique things that our city has to offer.

Mrs. Jean Kempe is our Director of Christian Education.  She has served our children and teens at Immanuel since 2003.  She and her husband Nathan enjoy good food and good company.  Her favorite color is orange, and you'll recognize her by her joyful laugh.

Dr. Elvin Rodriguez is our Director of Worship Arts. He and his wife, Linette, are both gifted musicians and teachers who have a heart for the Lord and His people that is rarely matched.  He loves creatively bringing music into the hearts and lives of the saints.


What is Discipleship?  How can you connect with Christ and others?  At Immanuel, you will be equipped to grow in your faith and be shaped by God.