steven borst
Senior Pastor
Pastor Steven is passionate about communicating Christ, whether as a preacher, teacher, speaker, or writer. He is married to Kim, and they have five sons (and one precious daughter-in-law!). He enjoys football (as in soccer), being active (tennis, biking, hiking), reading for faith (bible/journals) and for fun (historical fiction), dressing smart (you'll hardly ever see him in sweats), and listening to great music (anything from indie to classical).
robert Jones
Pastor of Discipleship
Pastor Robert loves to get to know people and share the love of Christ with everyone he meets. He is married to Alison, and they have one daughter and one son. He loves to draw and cartoon in his free time, read anything from leadership books to historical fiction, and enjoys outdoor barbequing.

john mccombs
Pastor of Special Ministries
John McCombs was ordained and installed as Special Ministries Pastor at Immanuel in 2024. John and his wife, Vondella, have lived in Riverside since they met in college, and they both work in the field of public education. They have 4 children. John has been an elementary school principal for over 20 years. Earlier in his career, he served as a missionary apprentice in Honduras for two years, and subsequently as a Spanish teacher. At Immanuel, John leads a team in the Guest Chef program that serves a monthly meal to US Veterans at the March Base.
Jean Kempe
Director of Christian Education
Jean was born and raised in Minnesota. She attended Lutheran schools from elementary school - college. She graduated from Concordia St. Paul in 2002 as a Director of Christian Education, after serving a 2.5 year internship in Taiwan. She loves working with children, youth and families and really loves being part of the ministry team at Immanuel. Her and her husband, Nathan, love to travel, camp, and explore southern California (where he was born and raised).
jamila leggett
Office Manager
Jamila Leggett became a member of Immanuel in 1984. She attended elementary school and youth programs until she became a staff member in 1998, when she became the nursery director. Since then she has taught preschool, directed Kids Kare, and assisted with VBS. She began working in the front office in 2009. She loves Jesus and enjoys serving Immanuel families with the Hospitality Team. She is married with two children who both attended Immanuel since they were 2.