Reflecting the Creator
Welcome to Immanuel's page dedicated to the Arts!
We believe that as God's creatures, we get to share in the wonderful creativity of our Creator-reflecting the gifts and talents that He displays. It is for these reasons that Immanuel Lutheran Church and Schools continues to invest in and develop these gifts to the glory and praise of our Lord and Redeemer. Whether we share our gifts of brushes or pens, voice or instrument, poetry or photography, we glorify His eternal name so that the world may know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Below you will find our concert schedule and other ways we are pursuing excellence in the arts. We pray that you will get to participate in some way and join us in experiencing God's presence.
We believe that as God's creatures, we get to share in the wonderful creativity of our Creator-reflecting the gifts and talents that He displays. It is for these reasons that Immanuel Lutheran Church and Schools continues to invest in and develop these gifts to the glory and praise of our Lord and Redeemer. Whether we share our gifts of brushes or pens, voice or instrument, poetry or photography, we glorify His eternal name so that the world may know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Below you will find our concert schedule and other ways we are pursuing excellence in the arts. We pray that you will get to participate in some way and join us in experiencing God's presence.

Dr. Elvin Rodriguez
Director of Worship Arts
Director of Worship Arts